
  • ACM Publications
  • A K Peters, Ltd.
  • Academic Press
  • Addison-Wesley-Longman (US)
  • Addison-Wesley-Longman (Europe)
  • American Mathematical Society (AMS)

  • Baltzer Science Publishers
  • Birkhäuser Basel
  • Blackwell Publishers
  • Brooks/Cole Publishing

  • Cambridge University Press
  • Carfax Publishing Ltd.
  • Computational Mechanics Publications
  • Copernicus/Springer
  • CRC Press LLC

  • Walter de Gruyter, Inc.
  • Marcel Dekker, Inc.
  • Duke University Press

  • Elsevier Science - Europe
  • Elsevier Science

  • Gale Research
  • Gauthiers-Villars (Paris, FR)
  • Gordon and Breach Publishing Group

  • Heldermann Verlag
  • Hindawi Publishing Corporation

  • IEEE
  • IMS Publications
  • Indiana University Press
  • International Press

  • Jones and Bartlett Publishers

  • Kluwer Academic Publishing

  • Lavoisier

  • Macmillan Computer Publishing
  • Masson
  • Mathematical Association of America
  • McGraw-Hill
  • MIT Press
  • Moon Publications
  • Morgan Kaufmann

  • National Geographic Society

  • Oldenbourg/Akademie Verlag
  • O'Reilly
  • Oxford University Press

  • Penguin Books
  • Pion
  • Plenum Publishing Corporation
  • Prentice-Hall

  • Que

  • Reed Elsevier Inc.

  • Sams
  • SIAM Books
  • Springer-Verlag
  • Springer-Verlag (New York)

  • Taylor & Francis
  • Tecniche Nuove
  • B.G. Teubner
  • Turpion Ltd. (USA)

  • Vieweg
  • VSP

  • Waxmann
  • Wiley
  • WIT Press
  • World Scientific
  • See also
  • The Mathematics Books Online Bookshelf
  • Pointers to publishers' catalogs


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